DUMMY Magazine (No. 64)
with Anna Berge
Year: 2019
DUMMY Magazine is an independent, German society magazine. Each issue is designed by a different art director. No. 64, Topic: Drugs. "Children who take Ritalin, mothers who do coke, fathers who go out drinking "with the boys": Drugs are omnipresent in society, just not in journalism. That changes with this DUMMY, in which we write about the insane drug policy as well as the return of LSD and the life of a village dealer."
DUMMY Magazine (No. 64)
with Anna Berge
Year: 2019
DUMMY Magazine is an independent, German society magazine. Each issue is designed by a different art director. No. 64, Topic: Drugs. "Children who take Ritalin, mothers who do coke, fathers who go out drinking "with the boys": Drugs are omnipresent in society, just not in journalism. That changes with this DUMMY, in which we write about the insane drug policy as well as the return of LSD and the life of a village dealer."